FotoArt "in Focus" June 6th, 2019 Franziskanerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna

The Amalfi Coast, a UNESCO World Heritage, is considered one of the most beautiful in Italy!

Who has already driven through, has passed, so to speak, a second car test.

The people had to wrest the mountain from the land on the steep Amalfi coast to live and dwell and so nestles Positano / Praiano and Amalfi steeply to the Lattari mountains.


When:                              June 6th 2019 at 6:00 pm,

                                FotoArt "in Focus", Franziskanerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna


Thema:                           Street Fotography


Veranstalter/Kurator:     UNESCO Club Vienna - connecting people and cultures

                                Vivien Kabar - Curator




The Hobby photographers will show selected motifs from their respective trips to Italy from the Amalfi Coast!

The photographs of the exhibitors are mainly characterized by sensitivity, participation and a feeling for the situation of the classic "Fotografia di Strada"!